Takaisin Safeguarding northern livestock production - MTK, SLC, ETL and SKAL propose changes to the EU Animal Transport Regulation 


Safeguarding northern livestock production - MTK, SLC, ETL and SKAL propose changes to the EU Animal Transport Regulation 


The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK), The Central Union of Swedish-speaking Farmers and Forest Owners (SLC), Finnish Food and Drink industries’ Federation (ETL) and Finnish Transport and Logistics (SKAL) have put together a joint statement and proposals for amendments to the EU Animal Transport Regulation.  

The proposed amendments aim to ensure the sustainable and profitable continuation of livestock production in Finland's northern conditions, where long distances and harsh climatic conditions pose challenges. The Animal Transport Regulation aims to improve the welfare of animals during transport.  

However, the specific geographical and climatic characteristics of Finland make the proposed legislation problematic for livestock production. In their statement, the organisations support the objectives of improving animal welfare, but stress that the detailed requirements of the Regulation must not jeopardise the possibilities for livestock production in the northern regions. 

Flexibility needed  

In the statement, the organisations highlight that Animal transport regulation must allow for some flexibility in countries with long distances, northern conditions and quality transport equipment. These measures will ensure animal welfare while keeping the Nordic livestock production alive. 

According to MTK, SLC, ETL and SKAL, updating EU animal welfare legislation is important, but it must be applied equally across the EU in order to maintain food security and regional equality. They call on the EU to present a comprehensive animal welfare package and ensure its implementation in all Member States. 

Statement and amendments to the European Parliament  

The joint opinion highlights in particular the impact of northern conditions and long distances on animal transport in Finland. The opinion and proposed amendments have been forwarded to EU decision-makers and the organisations hope that they will be taken into account in the future discussions on the Regulation in the European Parliament and the Council. 

For more information:
Jussi Savander, EU expert (livestock and cooperatives), Brussels Office, +32 47 733 1958
Kristiina Sarjokari, Verinarian specialist, MTK, +358 50 398 6123

Read the full statement submitted to the Commission here. 


topics: bryssel, agricultural policy, animal welfare, animal production